23岁的塔莎·凯西(Tasha Casey)来自康涅狄格州埃文(Avon),她是家里四个姐妹中的一个,就读于信誉最好的网投十大平台. She followed in 的 footsteps of her older sister, Noelle Casey ’20, and was soon joined on campus by her younger sisters, twins Elise Casey ’25 and Kathleen Casey ’25. 她的大姐迪安娜·凯西毕业于哈特福德大学哈特音乐学院.

The KC姐妹

But a Trinity education is not all that Tasha shares with her sisters. With 的 support of 的ir 父母, Chris and Jennifer Casey, 的 siblings formed 的ir family band, 的 KC姐妹, when 的y were all still children. 今天, 的 band performs both covers and originals, many of which 的y have recorded and produced 的mselves.

“Tasha and her sisters are such good musicians; I hope that 的y will continue to perform and gain 的 wider reputation 的y very much deserve,” said Trinity Professor of Music 约翰Platoff. “我有幸教过信誉最好的网投十大平台五个姐妹中的四个. I asked Tasha to be my teaching assistant for Music 101 this semester, and she has done a wonderful job in every way.”

While pursuing a music major at Trinity, Tasha also developed her interest in psychology through a second major, 最终被任命为今年心理学系的校长研究员.

心理学副教授,心理咨询与健康中心主任 伦道夫·米. 李 added, “Tasha is as talented a performer as she is a psychology student. 因为音乐和心理学有很多共同之处——音乐以很多不同的方式影响人体——这给了她一个机会,让她更多地看到她的工作表演是如何影响她的心理的. As she worked through this semester and her 的sis, she was able to pull those two parts of her life toge的r.”

在这里, 23岁的塔莎·凯西分享了她对音乐和心理学的热情是如何通过她的三一经历培养出来的, and what she hopes to achieve after graduating from Trinity:

What led you to study music and psychology at Trinity?

我热爱音乐,想要更深入地学习音乐,我也想成为一名治疗师. I took Professor Platoff’s “The Psychology of Music” course, where we learned about 的 psychology of why you like 的 music you like, so that merged both my interests. I’ve also taken courses on child development, 心理治疗, and social psychology, which influenced my goal to work with children as a 的rapist.

What was it like to be at Trinity with your sisters?

I love being at Trinity with my sisters. 和他们在一起真的是很酷的经历,因为我们的关系在一起上大学和他们在家里长大的时候变得不同了. 我也喜欢离家近,因为我和我的姐妹们有一个乐队,所以我们可以继续排练. It’s easier to meet with each o的r and plan around our schedules.

When did you start playing music with your family? 


它开始于我三四岁的时候,因为我的父母都是音乐家. With my four sisters, we put on little shows for our 父母. My mom thought it was a cute idea, so we started performing at senior centers, and we were doing it for free at first, 只是为了好玩. Then 10 years ago, my sisters and I decided we liked doing music toge的r, 所以我们开始以KC姐妹的身份在音乐节上表演,更定期、更认真地排练. We write a lot of originals and original arrangements, and perform not just in New England but also California and Nashville. Our music genre is “rhythm and country,” like R&B, country, and a little folk music. My 父母 have such diverse interests in 的ir music, and we grew up listening to a lot of music, so our music is influenced by a lot of different genres.


It’s been intense, especially around 的 times when a lot of performances happen, like Christmas and April and May, which are also finals weeks. 这并不容易,因为我们每周排练三次,每次三个小时, on top of my double major and my jobs on campus, but it’s been manageable with 的 support of our professors.

How have you gotten involved with music in o的r ways at Trinity?

I am 的 vice president of 教堂的歌手. I love 的 教堂的歌手 because firstly, it’s a group of people who like to sing on campus, so it’s really nice to have that community. 这和我和KC姐妹会的音乐也有很大的不同因为这是合唱和宗教音乐, and it requires a whole different skill set. 它让我成长为一个歌手,而不是局限于我和我的姐妹们一起做的音乐, 周日继续去教堂很好,因为我小时候经常去教堂. 我妹妹伊莉斯也在里面,所以在排练时看到她很有趣.

What are 的 most memorable performances you have done?

L-r: The KC姐妹—Noelle Casey ’20, Tasha Casey ’23, Kathleen Casey ’25, Elise Casey ’25, and Deanna Casey—perform with Theresa Thomason.

In terms of 的 KC姐妹, 让我印象深刻的是我们每年的圣诞表演, so we have all original arrangements and some original songs. 这是一场非常受欢迎的演出,我们正打算做一张圣诞专辑. I remember when I was here as a first-year, we were on Nickelodeon’s America’s Most Talented Family. I’ve never had an experience like that before; being recorded in that way and learning from that experience was interesting. In 教堂的歌手, we sang at this year’s Easter service, 这是我第一次看到教堂里挤满了人进行正常的礼拜. Every year, we do Lessons and Carols 这些都是难忘的经历,因为教堂里也挤满了这些人.

What senior projects have you worked on this year?

我的心理学毕业论文是数字媒体消费如何影响饮食失调的发展. I’m looking at how things in 的 media—like body shaming, 很多孩子成长过程中伴随的东西,实际上影响了人们如何养成饮食和锻炼习惯, how focused people are on 的 way 的y look, and how that negatively affects people’s mental well-being. For my music senior project, I recorded three songs with my band: one original, “Blame it on 的 Whiskey,” one jazz standard called “How High 的 Moon,,我们也会把它混搭在圣诞专辑《全球最大的网投平台》和《信誉最好的网投十大平台》里,” 的 Christmas carol. We recorded those three songs, 我打算在毕业前把它们放到苹果音乐和其他音乐平台上播放.

Which Trinity professors have made 的 greatest impact on you?

Professor Platoff has made a huge impact on me as a musician. I took a lot of music history and music 的ory classes with him. 他是第一个用我能理解的方式向我解释音乐理论的音乐教授,也是我能应用于音乐的一种方式. 他讲的音乐史比我以前见过的任何教授都有趣. We would study 的 music, talk about 的 lives of 的 composers and why 的y made 的se decisions, 以及当时的文化中发生了什么——所有那些人们认为没有联系的音乐方面, but really are, to why a composer writes 的 way 的y write. 然后你开始发现它是如何与你创作音乐的方式联系在一起的, so it’s applied to your life.

作为音乐家和心理学家,李教授真的改变了我. 我和他谈了很多关于很多人无法获得医疗保健或心理健康资源的问题, 这些对话真的帮助我弄清楚了我想要做什么. He’s a professor who emphasizes my creativity versus just his ideas. His interest in my band has been nice. 他来过我们的很多演出,还和我们谈过音乐心理学. 他帮助我把我的兴趣结合起来,这是很多人都无法和我谈论的.

What are your plans after graduating from Trinity? 


I have two plans after I graduate: This summer, 的 KC姐妹 are doing a lot of music, and we’re trying to record a Christmas album. 我们已经把所有的安排都安排好了,所以我们现在只是想去录音棚录音. 我真的很兴奋,因为这些过程比人们想象的要花更多的时间, so it’s going to take basically 的 whole summer. 然后我在康涅狄格大学攻读社会工作硕士学位, so I can get licensed to start working as a counselor or 的rapist, ei的r with marriages, 父母, 或孩子.